Girl Scout Chooses Helping Hands for Silver Award Project
“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished; it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” -Denzel Washington
Thirteen-year-old Hannah Kraus first contacted us to see if she could add a little extra “pizzazz” to her Girl Scouts cookie sales.
She explained that she was trying to achieve her Silver award which is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. More importantly, Hannah added, she wanted to give back to other youth in her community.
Hannah heard about Helping Hands, Inc. and was determined to make her dream a reality. She contacted Director of Communications and Special Events Melanie Hutto and they started discussing the agency’s every day wish list which includes items we need all of the time.
Putting her creativity to work, Hannah created donation boxes to encourage donors to participate at all of her various cookie sale spots, all over Aiken County.
On Friday, March 10th, Hannah and her dad Stephan came by with their first load of donations.
This included several duffel bags and some toiletries which we can always use!
Before leaving the office that morning, Hannah assured us that she would “definitely be back!”
And later that afternoon, Ms. Melanie received a text message from Hannah that shows what a caring and empathetic girl Hannah truly is.
“Thank you for this (opportunity)! I really enjoy donating to kids in need. It is time for me to give kids the chance to know what it is like to be appreciated, even if I haven’t met them,” stated Hannah.
We are looking forward to seeing what all Hannah continues to collect from Troop 415 and we are SO proud of her drive!