by Corinne | May 29, 2020 | Alumni Profiles
I was taken into foster care for abuse. I can recall being sad, confused, and scared. I was extremely sad but also relieved. No one wants to experience abuse by the ones who are supposed to love and protect them no matter what. That can break so many trust barriers. I...
by Corinne | May 27, 2020 | Alumni Profiles
I was taken into care on August 3, 2006 and deemed a ward of the state after being abandoned. On August 6, 2006 I was placed at Helping Hands. I remember feeling scared but the staff and residents helped. They were all strangers when I got there but everyone begin to...
by Corinne | May 20, 2020 | Alumni Profiles
I was removed from my home due to neglect. I remember felling confused and angry. I was upset, mad at the world when I was brought into care. I cried every single night because I wanted to be with my family. I was also disrespectful towards the staff. The day I turned...
by Corinne | May 18, 2020 | Alumni Profiles
I was pretty much in Helping Hands for abuse, abandonment and neglect, but mainly for abuse and neglect. I felt sad and scared at first, but then I felt relief knowing I was safe from my mother and the staff truly cared about me. The first night I was there was when...
by Helping Hands | May 11, 2020 | Alumni Profiles
I was taken into custody in October 2006 due to abuse and neglect. I remember feeling sad and scared, because of not knowing what would or could happen from there. My perspective changed when I met some of the staff at Helping Hands and it changed my life from going...