I was pretty much in Helping Hands for abuse, abandonment and neglect, but mainly for abuse and neglect.
I felt sad and scared at first, but then I felt relief knowing I was safe from my mother and the staff truly cared about me. The first night I was there was when the shift in feelings began to happen. All of us girls were sitting around the living room talking about why we were there and sharing our talents. I just remember singing songs with the girls and that was also really comforting.
This change was brought on not only by the staff and the girls I was around, but also the access to church. I absolutely loved how we still had the opportunity to learn more about God and my journey to getting to know a God that loves me was not hindered just because I was in care.
I am now 20 years-old and I live in Missouri. I work a full time job on salary, I am a full time college student in my junior year (studying social work), and I got married in May to a man that shows me what unconditional love is every single day.
My next goals I want to achieve is to graduate and become a social worker, buy a house with my husband, and have 10 (yes, I said 10) kids so that I can have the family traditions I did not have when I was younger.